What Do Mazda Dashboard Warning Lights Mean?

Mazda Warning Lights

When you’re driving along and a light pops up on your dashboard, it is easy to panic and wonder what is wrong with your car. A warning light could be the sign of an issue, but it also could just be a light to warn you of potential upcoming maintenance or a precaution of some sort.

You can learn more about what the Mazda warning lights are below and what they mean. Feel free to consult your owner’s manual or a trusted mechanic if you are having questions or issues with your vehicle. With your car, it is always better to be safe than sorry!

Mazda Warning Lights:

  • Check Engine Light – This small picture of an engine can indicate several potential issues. It could mean there is an issue with engine management, fuel, exhaust, or ignition. You should get this checked out.
  • Engine Oil Light – This picture of an oil canister means your oil pressure or oil level is low. As you probably know, engine oil is essential to your engine functioning and not overheating, so you will want to get this checked out right away.
  • Airbag Warning Light – A picture of a person with an airbag in front of them, this shows an issue with a signal airbag or your airbag system. It means there is potential for your airbag to not deploy; this is dangerous, so it should be checked.
  • Engine Temperature Warning Light – This light looks like a thermometer, and it signals that your engine is getting too hot. This can signal an issue with your engine coolant. As you may know, coolant helps to keep your engine from overheating, and an overheating engine can cause significant damage to your engine overall.
  • Dynamic Stability Control Off Light – This light like a swerving car means that your dynamic stability control (DSC) has been disabled.
  • Anti-Lock Brake System Light – This light that says ABS means there is an issue with your anti-lock braking system. Your brakes will still be functional, but the ABS system helps to prevent your brakes from locking up when you are stopping quickly, so it is very important.
  • Brake System Warning Light – A red light with the word “Brake” and an exclamation point means your parking brake is on. If your parking brake is not actually on when this light goes off, it could mean an issue with low brake fluid levels.
  • Tire Pressure Monitoring System Light – Like a tire with an exclamation point, this light indicates you may have low pressure or too high of pressure in one or more of your tires. You should use a tire pressure gauge to check the air in your tires and add air if there is not enough or release air if there is too much. If this continues to go off after adding air, it could indicate a slow leak in your tire.
  • Low Fuel Warning Light – A picture of a fuel pump, this warns you that you do not have much fuel left in your vehicle. This means it is time to head to the pump!
  • Power Steering Warning Light –This light with a steering wheel and exclamation point means that you have an issue with power steering. Power steering is what allows you to easily turn your steering wheel. If your power steering goes off, it will be exceptionally hard to turn your wheel and unsafe to drive.
  • Battery Warning Light – A picture of a battery with a plus and minus in it, this light means you are having battery issues. Either your battery is not properly charged, there is an issue with loose cables, or you may have an issue with your alternator.
  • Wrench Light – This picture of a wrench means that there is some sort of service required. It does not indicate an urgent issue, but rather an issue of routine maintenance that needs to be performed.
  • Security Light – This picture of a car and lock means the anti-theft system that you have on your Mazda vehicle is not working properly. You should have this looked at by an expert.
  • Windshield Washer Fluid Light – This light like a windshield means your washer fluid level is low and you need to add more fluid!
  • Master Warning Light – This triangle with an exclamation point means that there is an issue with one or more of your vehicle systems. You should get your vehicle looked at by a professional.
  • Seat Belt Indicator Light – This picture of a person with a seatbelt means that someone in your vehicle does not have their seatbelt fastened. Be sure to have them fasten their seatbelt to keep you and them safer on the road!

Why are the Mazda Warning Lights Different Colors?

If you take a look at a picture of your different lights, you may notice that they are different colors. This is intentional. Your yellow lights consist of a warning light your tire pressure needs checked with the tire pressure monitoring system warning light. A red light means you may have a serious issue where you need to shot driving. An example of a red light would be low engine oil pressure, which could mean it is unsafe to drive. You could also see green lights on your dash and those are indicators of using a system like your turn signals or cruise control.

As you can see, there are a lot of different Mazda warning lights. Having an awareness of what those lights mean will make it much easy for you as a vehicle owner. You will know if there is a larger issue with your vehicle or a quick fix that can be made for your vehicle so that you can stay safer out there on the road for yourself and other drivers. If you have any questions about your Mazda vehicle or you need to schedule a service appointment for your vehicle, you can reach out to us at Seacoast Mazda today.

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